Sick (2022)

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From the twisted mind of Kevin Williamson, the famed writer of Scream, comes this intense pandemic horror film. I was thinking this was going to be a Scream clone and it certainly starts that way, but where Scream was all about the mystery, this is all about the terror in a very unrelenting way.

Two girls go to a remote cabin in the middle of nowhere to ride out the 2020 pandemic, but things take a crazy turn when a stalker shows up and tries to kill them. Then there were some twists and I have no fingernails left.

What I really liked was how the characters did mostly intelligent things. Like playing dead when a killer is coming or fashioning a splint out of a chair to aid a broken leg. Those little details really help make it more interesting than the typical “stalker stalks helpless victims and easily succeeds, because helpless victims are dumb AF.”

It’s short and sweet, which is nice. It does the thing and gets out without lingering. Where I think it was kind of lacking is having the likeable characters with quirky traits that keep you invested in their survival. What Scream really did well was having the strong lead in Sydney and the funny explainer guy Randy and the bumbling cop Dewey. This movie just doesn’t have the characters you care to remember. I barely remember the main character’s name is Parker. Barely.


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