Stage Fright (1987)

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  • Post category:Movies

There is a special place in my heart for Italian horror films. No matter how bad they are, I have always enjoyed the boldness and cohesiveness with the elements on display.

With Stage Fright (a.k.a. Deliria), there is no exception. The story consists of a group of actors rehearsing for their opening of a stage musical performance about a serial killer when an actual deranged killer begins stalking and offing them one by one.

It’s a decent premise and there are some great moments where the killer assumes the role of the costumed killer of the musical. Most of the death sequences are well done and at times the main character, Alicia, does some smart things to stay alive.

The part that really annoyed me was when they discovered the first murder and call the police, but then decide to keep working anyway. I think if your co-worker gets brutally murdered in the alley behind your soundstage, you kind of take the rest of the night off.
