Studio 666 (2022)

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All work and no play make Dave a dull boy. What could have been a fun and goofy rock band horror flick, ends up being this excessively long yawn fest.

None of the band members can act. Nothing was ever that scary. A lot of the jokes fell flat. The bad editing kept shots lingering for too long. I just wanted it to be over, but it was fun seeing Will Forte show up as well as the accidental memorial to the late Taylor Hawkins. 

I think this should have been Tenacious D and the Mystery of Studio 666. Jack and Kyle would be the main characters who join the Foo Fighters in their haunted mansion recording their new album for a cameo track and then shit goes south. Make it tight with a 95-minute run time with snappy jokes and you got a guaranteed hit. I think I had more fun just imagining that possible movie scenario right now than actually watching Studio 666.


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