Cry Wolf (2005)

The mid-2000s were overloaded with teen horror garbage from the aftermath of Scream's success in the late 90s. This movie is no exception, though it's kind of surreal at times. At least most of the cast can actually pass for teenagers.  The plot centers around some prep school idiots who concoct a mass email to their whole school about a made-up serial killer for…


Hellraiser (2022)

It’s like a fine onion where you keep peeling back the layers and it gets more pungent and grotesque the deeper it goes. But it’s got actual characters and a coherent story, which is rather surprising for a late-stage Hellraiser movie. Riley is the main character and her brother, Matt, goes missing after getting cut by the puzzle box thingy. How deep into hell…


The Vagrant (1992)

Bill Paxton is always amazing and this is no exception. I know this isn’t a great film, but I really liked this movie for its simple premise and psychological back and forth of Bill Paxton’s downward spiral. You just can’t tell whether the main character is going nuts or really being haunted by a scary homeless guy. This is one of those rare movies…


Studio 666 (2022)

All work and no play make Dave a dull boy. What could have been a fun and goofy rock band horror flick, ends up being this excessively long yawn fest. None of the band members can act. Nothing was ever that scary. A lot of the jokes fell flat. The bad editing kept shots lingering for too long. I just wanted it to be…


Jeepers Creepers Reborn (2022)

Well, they went and made another one and hoo-wee is it a stinker. It’s 87 minutes of awful plot, bad acting, and cheap special effects. This is the kind of movie that makes you want to punch a wall. The thing I found to be most offensive was how it starts off with Dee Wallace and Gary Graham as this couple driving through Texas…


Jeepers Creepers 3 (2017)

The first Jeepers Creepers is somewhat of a classic. The second one is not as good, but still managed to have some fun moments. This third installment feels a bit like a made-for-SyFy movie. Some parts were enjoyable, but it never managed to establish cohesiveness. At times, it flirted with the possibility of revealing more of the Creeper mythos, but then left the audience…


Unfriended (2014)

It's a clever idea with a unique technology twist where the whole film is told through the perspective of a computer screen using mostly Skype, Facebook, and YouTube. It's like Blair Witch meets Scream with a ghost in the machine. While I was sort of entertained in a car accident-watching kind of way, I found so many things to dislike. The characters are awful…


Howling V: The Rebirth (1989)

There's a werewolf in a castle in Budapest and a group of douchebags, each with a special triangular arm marking must stop it before it kills them. But who is the werewolf? This is the most boring piece of crap "horror movie" that is a direct-to-video sequel capitalizing on the Howling series name.  So much time is wasted just walking around stair passages and…


The Blob (1958)

I have a soft spot for the 1988 remake starring Kevin Dillon, but this original film is better in most ways. Sure, it is rather old and suffers from the limitations of the time. The special effects are better than I thought they would be, and had me wondering how they pulled certain things off. Steve McQueen is great as always and it’s fun…


House of Wax (2005)

Let me start by saying this is NOT a good horror movie. But there is something so wonderfully mid-2000s about it, I can’t hate it. In fact, I delight in all the ridiculousness. From Paris Hilton to the rocking nu-metal soundtrack to the incredible amount of effort put into the sets and wax effects. Plotwise, it’s kind of Texas Chainsaw Massacre meets Wrong Turn.…