NFL Picks – Divisional Round

The Wild Card week had some great games and some of the games were real stinkers. I picked 5 of 6 of the games correctly last week. So, that pretty much means Im out of correct picks for the season. Regardless, we must proceed. Bengals (10th) @ Titans (5th) - TitansIm not surprised that the Bengals won in the wildcard round. The Raiders provided…


NFL Picks – Wild Card Week

You Know Nothing, Stemshul Well, I def doomed the Browns and Football team with my late season picks. Not to mention the Ravens, Chargers and Colts. Basically, I had no idea what was going on in the AFC. Raiders (9th) @ Bengals (13th) - RaidersBoth of these teams have been super streaky. The Bengals snuck into the playoffs by winning the North after a…