The Empty Man (2020)

It's like Slender Man meets Candyman without the hook and the bees. The supernatural elements are there, but the story is kind of a mess. The movie starts with 4 hikers in some remote foreign country. One of them falls into a crevice that opens to a cave with a strange statuesque alien-looking skeleton. The hiker starts acting strange like he's possessed by some…


Suspiria (1977)

Dario Argento's Suspiria is a classic horror movie and a must-see for anyone who likes Italian horror. I surprised myself by not having reviewed the movie yet. It should not have taken 12+ years and over 300 movies to get to this one. The story is simple: Suzy is an American dance student who travels to Germany to study at a prestigious German ballet…


The Dead Zone (1983)

This is one of those strange movies that no one seems to remember watching and sounds rather boring, but is actually quite good when you give it a chance. Christopher Walken plays a teacher named Johnny Smith who spends 5 years in a coma after a bad car accident. Upon waking up, Johnny has clairvoyant powers but can barely walk. When he touches someone's…


A Quiet Place Part II (2021)

Watching as many horror movies as I have, it is pretty rare for me to yell at the characters or kick at the TV screen. A Quiet Place Part II had me doing both a lot more than I care to admit. The movie started with a little bit of back story surrounding the Abbott family right before the blind alien creatures arrived and…


C.H.U.D. (1984)

Something dangerous and radioactive is living under New York City. They are the Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers! Also known as mutant people who grab normal people from the streets and bring them underground to feast on them. This is a cult classic starring John Heard as a photographer and Daniel Stern who works at a homeless shelter. They uncover the dangerous C.H.U.D.s and try…


Snakes on a Plane (2006)

Good old Samuel L. Jackson makes this tongue-in-cheek horror comedy worth watching. Aside from Sam L., the best thing going for this movie is that it has a simple plot and moves fast enough to keep you from asking any questions about the humongous plot holes. Sean (Nathan Phillips) is an Xtreme sports guy who witnesses a ruthless mobster kill a lawyer in Hawaii…


The Lair of the White Worm (1988)

Based on the novel by Bram Stoker, I have to say that this is a weird movie, but I kinda dug it. After an archaeologist (Peter Capaldi) finds a strange large snake skull, he starts to suspect there is more to the local legend of the white worm. In comes the Lady Marsh (Amanda Donohoe) and people start getting bitten by unseen snakes when…


Slither (2006)

What you have here is a enjoyable spiritual cousin to The Blob, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and The Thing. A meteor falls to Earth and out comes a worm creature that infects a guy (Michael Rooker) in a small town, who becomes the main vessel for the hive mind. He does their bidding and infects a woman who becomes the balloon host for…


Cellar Dweller (1987)

Oof. Who dropped the stink bomb? This is one painfully bad movie. The beginning starts with Mr. Re-Animator himself, Jeffrey Combs, as a comic artist who unleashes a demonic beast creature by drawing it. Fast forward many years to an art student named Whitney (Deborah Farentino) summoning the demonic beast through drawings. It's almost like a vengeance demon that goes after the people Whitney…


Frankenstein Unbound (1990)

I remember seeing the VHS box for this at the video store. The multi-color stitched together eyeball was an effective way to sell Frankenstein as a visual. I never actually watched it until now, but the odd thing is that it seems to be out-of-print or only available on DVD. No streaming services seem to have it and the best I could do was…