Detroit Lions Season Predictions Weeks 1-6

By Willis Lam - Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup We are about 64 days from the start of the NFL season. Lets see how this is going to play out for the Lions. At least how its going to play out from the perspective of an eternally hopeful fan. Eagles @ LionsThe Eagles ended the season on a little bit of a run last year.…


NFL Picks – Wild Card Week

You Know Nothing, Stemshul Well, I def doomed the Browns and Football team with my late season picks. Not to mention the Ravens, Chargers and Colts. Basically, I had no idea what was going on in the AFC. Raiders (9th) @ Bengals (13th) - RaidersBoth of these teams have been super streaky. The Bengals snuck into the playoffs by winning the North after a…