Terminator: Dark Fate

They tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it didn’t even matter.

When I first heard about this new Terminator sequel, I remained skeptical. The previous sequel Genisys was a complete train wreck on almost every level.

The exciting part this time was that original series creator, James Cameron, was back to produce with Tim Miller (director of Deadpool) in the director’s chair.

Spoiler alert incoming! My biggest gripe about this movie is the opening scene where John Connor is brutally gunned down by a leftover Arnie-bot while Sarah Connor screams helplessly. While I’m not against this particular story direction, I think the execution was bad. There is no way I’m going to believe that Sarah Connor would be oblivious to an Arnie-bot walking down the beach with a shotgun. In the first movie, Sarah was weak, because she didn’t know any better. Then the trauma of being hunted by a robot and the death of her man-friend made her strong and a bit insane about being protective when it came to her son in the second movie. No matter how much she felt like Judgment Day had been stopped and the human race saved, she would never have let her guard down enough for her son to be killed.

As an action movie, it’s not particularly bad. As a Terminator movie, it’s a bit stinky. But then, nothing will ever compare to the masterpiece that is Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
