The Gift (2015)

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Sometimes the past comes back to haunt you for being a douche in high school. Jason Bateman is Simon, a successful corporate security consultant. He and his wife, Robyn, bump into Gordo while out shopping. Jason barely recognizes his old high school acquaintance, but when Gordo starts randomly showing up at their house with gifts, the couple become creeped out.

What is the mysterious past between Simon and Gordo and what will Gordo do next?

The movie was not extremely suspenseful, but it managed to evoke some interesting emotions. I liked how the characters were flawed and dealing with their own problems of the past, which blurred the lines of “good guy” and “bad guy” archetypes. Gordo is scary at times, but is it because he really wants to do harm or because he has had a difficult life?

The acting was fantastic and Jason Bateman really shines. While I have mostly only seen him in comedies, I think he can do a lot with serious subject matter.
