The Hunt (2020)

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  • Post category:Movies

This is a newer genre: political horror. And no, I’m not talking about the news. Ba dum tss!

The plot centers on a group of “deplorables” who are drugged and brought to a remote location and hunted by liberal extremists for sport. There are very fine people on both sides.

Killing ensues as the characters fight for their lives to survive. There are many twists and turns and lots of carnage.

What doesn’t work for me is how it comes off as a bit too preachy. You can do a movie like this without trying to have an overt message. Some of the stereotypes of the political spectrum were pretty funny, because they took the perceived clichés and ramped them up to 11.

When the dust settles, you’re kind of like “yeah, yeah, I get it. That’s nice.” Then you just go about your day and try to forget about politics.
