The Invisible Man (2020)

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Elisabeth Moss plays Cecilia, a woman who escaped an abusive relationship and lives in fear of her ex-husband, who supposedly killed himself.

The more she tries to move on and live her life, the more her ex haunts her and everyone around her begins to think she is crazy.

Some of the best horror movies make use of unseen terror to keep the viewer in suspense. Jaws kept the shark hidden from the camera most of the movie. Halloween kept Michael Myers/The Shape out of view until about the third act. The Invisible Man literally has it in it’s name. You won’t see him coming and that’s what makes it so intense.

There were some plot twists that kept things interesting. The special FX were top notch, what you could see of them anyway. Many of the single-sided fights were most likely choreographed or executed with a dude in a green bodysuit, then removed. Either way, it was seamless.
