The Vagrant (1992)

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Bill Paxton is always amazing and this is no exception. I know this isn’t a great film, but I really liked this movie for its simple premise and psychological back and forth of Bill Paxton’s downward spiral. You just can’t tell whether the main character is going nuts or really being haunted by a scary homeless guy.

This is one of those rare movies where the idea is essentially a Tales From The Crypt episode stretched to feature length, but doesn’t suck. It takes some interesting twists and turns. I can honestly say that I felt so manipulated that I had no idea how it was going to end.

It also had the right amount of blood and gore where appropriate. The really baffling thing is how unknown and under the radar this movie is. How is this not more of an early 90s horror classic? It’s got the same charm and wit of movies like Tremors or The ‘Burbs.


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