The VelociPastor (2018)

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Doug is a priest who finds an ancient tooth in China which gives him the power to turn into a dinosaur. Even though he doesn’t want to kill people, he decides to become a vigilante dino super hero anyway.

Along the way, he fights ninjas and saves a hooker from her violent pimp, then becomes her boyfriend.

This is one of the most absurd pieces of film I’ve seen in a long time. It’s all intentional and some of it works really well. Other times, it’s just too ridiculous.

There were definitely some budgetary limitations on display. At one point, a car supposedly blows up and there is text that just says “VFX Car on fire” instead of an actual car on fire. Most of the dinosaur effects are nowhere near the quality of Jurassic Park, but at least the filmmakers were smart enough to limit how much the dino is seen until the very end.

I don’t really mind the tongue-in-cheek absurdist humor, but I’d like to have a little more character development and story. Maybe I’m being too much of a traditionalist here.
