Trapped Alive (1988)

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A group of escaped prisoners take two women hostage and proceed to drive their car into a mineshaft. They must go deeper into the mine in an attempt to find a way out, but something old and crusty is lurking down there. I’m not going over there.

This movie was so close to being a schlocky horror masterpiece. It’s right on the edge, but everything feels wrong. You’ve got lazy editing that keeps scenes going on for too long. You’ve got ridiculous monologues at the strangest places. You’ve got a low effort monster that was never scary, because it just shuffles around doing cannibalistic things at a sloth pace. You’ve got interesting characters that can’t deliver dialogue to save their lives.

If anything, I was at least enjoying how bizarre the whole thing was and wishing that it was made by slightly more competent filmmakers. Even with its multitude of flaws, it still managed to be oddly entertaining as you wonder just how much stranger it’s going to get.


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