As Above So Below (2014)

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Generally, I don’t like “found footage” type movies, because the shaky camera work makes it hard to tell what is going on. That and it’s often just headache/nausea-inducing. This film managed to keep the camera steady long enough to be somewhat enjoyable and used the cinematography for great effect rather than just a gimmick.

The story follows Scarlett on her quest to find the philosopher’s stone deep under Paris in the catacombs. She convinces her ex, George, and some others to assist her with the hope of finding treasure along the way. The group inevitably gets lost and the further they go, the more haunted things get.

Ben Feldman as George was a good casting choice as he can play the honest voice of reason quite well. Perdita Weeks as Scarlett was a tad underwhelming but got the job done.

The pacing was exactly what it needed to be and the scares came at the right spots. This movie was way better than I was expecting it to be and makes for a worthwhile underground horror exploration flick.


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