Baskin (2015)

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This Turkish language film follows a group of police officers as they are sucked into a horrific cult world with no escape. 

There is nice atmospheric tension building as we get to know the five policemen during dinner and story time at a restaurant. On the way out, the officers receive a call to aid another police unit in a nearby town. On the way, they crash their police van and must go the rest of the way on foot. When they arrive at their destination, the investigation yields unimaginable horrors and they are captured by the murderous cult member inhabitants. 

This is the kind of surreal horror I usually love, but something about this one just didn’t work for me. Sometimes the language barrier makes it harder to connect to the characters, but the writing just didn’t do much except for explaining the background of one of the characters. There was no sense of purpose. No reasons for why things were happening.

The gore was quite spectacular in the spirit of Hellraiser and showcasing the intensity of 80s Italian horror. Still, that wasn’t enough to make it worthy of acclaim or even re-watching. You could say I wasn’t exactly “baskin” in the glory of this one.


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