This is an awful movie, but it’s the kind of trash B-movie that I tend to like. The plot follows two idiot brothers who own and maintain a diner. They resurrect their dead uncle as a brain with eyes in a bottle to help them perform rituals to raise some Lumerian demon called Sheetar. The process involves putting together a female body from parts of dead women to create the Frankenstein creature.
If that plot isn’t wacky enough, you’ve got tons of blood and gore, a fair bit of nudity, cannibalism, surreal detectives who dress and act like no detective would, and a high-pitched dummy that everyone just treats like a normal person for some reason.
The film has a cult charm to it, where even though it is highly flawed, you still kind of enjoy it on some level. Since it isn’t really taking itself seriously, it’s more of a fun romp than a true horror scare fest. I couldn’t tell what was supposed to be funny, but there is plenty to laugh at in almost every scene.