Elijah Wood is an estranged son, named Norval, with a goofy haircut who goes to visit his dad in a remote coastal cabin. He hasn’t seen his dad since he was a wee lad. Well, things aren’t too good between them, but they’ll work through their problems as best they can. Maybe?
This was a ripping good time mainly because it was unknown what was going to happen next. I even watched the trailer beforehand.
Elijah Wood is great as always and pretty much the main reason why I decided to watch this one. He makes such a great quiet hipster who is thrust into a series of events that careen out of control all while dealing with daddy issues.
There was plenty of nasty gore and loads of delightful humor (intentional and well placed). I think where it kind of lost me was how the plot jumped around and felt a bit coerced at times. It was still an enjoyable watch, though.