Cry Wolf (2005)

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The mid-2000s were overloaded with teen horror garbage from the aftermath of Scream’s success in the late 90s. This movie is no exception, though it’s kind of surreal at times. At least most of the cast can actually pass for teenagers. 

The plot centers around some prep school idiots who concoct a mass email to their whole school about a made-up serial killer for the funsies. People start going missing and the killer remains a mystery until the end with some twisties. It’s not hard to guess what is going on. 

It’s no masterpiece, but it’s fun enough to stay interesting until the end. There is probably no need to revisit after a single viewing.

Also worth noting is that it’s got Jon Bon Jovi as a teacher at the school. Talk about a missed opportunity of having him do an impromptu rendition of Wanted Dead or Alive. It doesn’t have to make sense, but I need it.


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