House of Wax (2005)

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Let me start by saying this is NOT a good horror movie. But there is something so wonderfully mid-2000s about it, I can’t hate it. In fact, I delight in all the ridiculousness. From Paris Hilton to the rocking nu-metal soundtrack to the incredible amount of effort put into the sets and wax effects.

Plotwise, it’s kind of Texas Chainsaw Massacre meets Wrong Turn. This group of college idiots are trying to get to a football game in Louisiana when things turn problematic after camping in the middle of nowhere. When they try to find a town to get a car part, they happen on this sparsely populated place called Ambrose. The kind of remote little town where all it has to offer is a wax museum. Turns out that the town is a facade with the only inhabitants being a couple of homicidal siblings that turn people into wax figures. 

I’m not apologizing for liking this guilty pleasure.


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