Well, they went and made another one and hoo-wee is it a stinker. It’s 87 minutes of awful plot, bad acting, and cheap special effects. This is the kind of movie that makes you want to punch a wall.
The thing I found to be most offensive was how it starts off with Dee Wallace and Gary Graham as this couple driving through Texas and then being tormented by the Creeper. That scene was very misleading, because it made it seem like it was going to be a legit movie and not some fly-by-night trash heap.
Nothing is ever established. No timeline, no connections to the other three movies. Oh, wait. I’m being told this is a reboot, so it’s not supposed to connect to the others. Ohhhhh. Now I hate it even more.
Let’s talk about the green screening of EVERYTHING. Holy hell. Did they not spend one dollar on any sets or location shoots? I’d say 80-90% of the movie is shot on green screen with inserted backgrounds. Most of it is very noticeable. Tell me you are an incompetent filmmaker without telling me you are an incompetent filmmaker.