Lights Out (2016)

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Something is lurking in the shadows. If you can keep the lights on, you’ll be fine, but things can never be that easy.

Rebecca lives on her own and her brother Martin lives with their mother, Sophie, who seems a bit cuckoo.

Martin is having trouble sleeping because he keeps the lights on all night to ward off the shadow demon that seems to haunt this family.

Rebecca attempts to help Martin by taking him away from Sophie, but the monster in the darkness follows them around. As Rebecca uncovers the truth about the ghost creature, they try to find a way to stop it before it gets them all.

The use of silhouettes with the unseen monster were very effective. I was genuinely holding my breath and clenching my teeth at times. Some of the dialog was flat and the motivations for why things were happening was not always the most believable. That’s OK, though, because this movie will creep you out.
