Welcome to the wild world of Italian horror knock-off confusion. While this looks like a Freddy Krueger clone, it was actually billed as a Texas Chainsaw Massacre sequel when it came out.
The plot is simple: there is a serial killer that rapes/murders women while wearing a bad rubber mask and clawed hand that vaguely resembles Freddy Krueger. The primary death blow is a punch through the abdomen with the gloved hand.
Melanie Beck is the only known survivor of the killer, but has no memory of anything due to the trauma of being brutalized. She struggles with suicide attempts and Stockholm Syndrome after being kidnapped by a creeper (not the killer) in a surreal sequence of events.
There is a lot to hate about this movie, but the most striking thing for me was the over-the-top acting and ridiculous dialog sequences. Some of it is comically enjoyable and the rest makes you cringe. Then there is the weird twist ending.
I kind of wish I got amnesia after watching this.