Rawhead Rex (1986)

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From the twisted mind of Clive Barker, comes this bad 80s flick that had some potential, but ultimately fell flat for a variety of reasons. The plot involves the resurrection of a demonic boogeyman named Rawhead Rex, who just needs to munch on some people after being out of commission for hundreds of years. It takes place in rural Ireland where the police have no clue how to deal with deadly supernatural creatures.

The story gets a bit bogged down with religious themes that don’t seem to really add much to the tension or why these things are happening. The best part is how ridiculous the Rawhead creature looks. He’s this massive 8-foot beast with raggedy Mad Max-type clothing, a bare muscular chest, the most ridiculous prosthetic head/mouth, slightly crossed red eyes, and an unkempt mohawk-mullet hairdo. It’s the least frightening thing you might ever see and they really should have tried to hide him in shadows or at night.

As much as I don’t like remakes, I really want this movie to be remade.


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