The Conjuring (2013)

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Annnnnd I’m not going to be able to sleep for a week. 

The time period is the early 1970s. A large family moves into a remote farmhouse only to be haunted by demonic spirits that reside there. When it’s clear that something is wrong with the house, the mother, played by Lilly Taylor, seeks help from Ed (Patrick Wilson) and Lorraine (Vera Farmiga), the local paranormal investigators. 

After the initial consultation and some research, they determine the history of the house and the deaths that likely caused the spirits to remain. They also hypothesize what these ghosts might be up to.

This is some top notch horror. The acting talent is all around amazing. In some ways, it’s kind of like The Exorcist meets Paranormal Activity, but without all the goofy realism. There were so many scenes that gave me goosebumps. I’m annoyed with myself for taking so long to watch this one. 


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