Picking up four years after the events of the first movie, that rascally demon Nun is back at it again. Always the persistent homicidal pest it is. This time, the action moves to a boarding school in France where the grounds-keeper, Maurice (Jonas Bloquet), is possessed by the demon. Sister Irene (Taissa Farmiga) is reluctantly back to investigate murders stemming from the demonic possession.
I liked the Sister Irene character better this time around. She seemed more fleshed out as a character and I enjoyed the parallels to the Lorraine Warren character with some sort of psychic powers that give her visions of the oppressed crying out for help. Interestingly, Taissa Farmiga is the daughter of Vera Farmiga who plays the Lorraine Warren character. I think this was 100% intentional to evoke a kindred spirit aspect.
There were some rough spots where the scare tactics were pretty basic. I realize that not every movie can push the envelope on every detail. The story was at least more engaging and the stakes kept me invested enough to make this one better than the first movie.